What is CPA system?


There are many personality and aptitude testing programs, but our system is very unique one utilizing colors.

The existing Personality-Aptitude tests require for you to give a written feedback.

The written examination comes with multiple choice questions to assess the individual's fundamental and potential tendencies and has limitations in analyzing the people accurately, because of depending on the situation, background, and the individual's status.

One way to overcome these limitations is the CPA system.
CPA system would never ask you getting examines, some kind of questions etc.. Just ask you to choose colors and shapes.

This system differs from the conventional ways of testing, in the fact that it throws more primitive and fundamental questions.
Before language was invented, colors and shapes already existed therefore considered to be efficient and widely used in representing the individual's underlying tendencies.

What is CPA system?

COLOR COLOR (color) : Color is symbolic of personality, dreams, desires.
PERSONALPERSONALITY(character) : A compilation of habits, based on the individual's thoughts, speech, and behavior.
ANALYSISANALYSIS(Analysis) : The process of unraveling a complicated problem.

CPA System's 4 Stages

1Stage color DNA search: Searching for the innate tendencies given at birth
2Stage resonance search: The test taker chooses that color and shape he likes the most at this very moment.
3Stage Classification and Analysis: From the preferred shape and color, the test taker's inherent and tendencies are classified and analyzed.
4Stage Information delivery: Considering the analysis from all the stages, the results that reveal the test taker's personality aptitude, interrelation aptitude are given to the individual.

CPA System: Its Purpose

As important it is the nature and nurture elements to develop a character, the unique DNA color given at birth, the colors chosen in the present, in the now; what they reveal after careful analysis from the personality aptitude, performance ability, interrelation aptitude is
what offer us a deeper and precise analysis to better understand the individual and provide solutions to whatever there is to be resolved.

  • Advantages
  • Personality
  • Complementary

You are considerate and willing to volunteer to help people around you by listening attentively to their opinions or attentions. Due to that, there are a lot of friends who want to build good relationship with you and depend on you.
You tend to pay attention to other people's reactions and try to maintain emotional relationship with others. You'd better cut down your feelings. If it goes too far, you are easy to get tired.
You have an ability to create and perform something in your own space and have a high self-esteem. If you respect someone else's opinions or attention a bit far from selfish things, your life will become more and more prosperous.
You'd better stay in touch with others and maintain emotional relationships with consideration, and also try to satisfy someone's needs than your own needs.
You like to judge based on reality and actual perspective that focus on the truth and therefore analyze everything with that tendency. If more experience is added, you can create an abundant life.
Don't be afraid to think on the spot and share those new ideas with others, you don't need to fear the illogical thoughts and sharing them, that is the one way to develop your potentials.
You have developed insightfulness and creativity. Very good at using new ideas to solve problems. When the environment provides freedom, you can show your full potential.
Feel free to accumulate experience, when you are going to judge something, that would be helpful through vast reading and learning to gain knowledge and wisdom
Rarely lose your nerves in any circumstance, strong at repelling stress, and you have a very positive view of things. Adding boldness integral mind is recommended to reach the peak of life.
No matter what, enough thinking is required, and you would be better always being prepared to reach stability and peace.
You tend to plan ahead in detail, instead of an overall systematic plan. That would be specified and stabilized on work. Heightened self confidence will lead to making the individual believe of your perfectness & greatness.
It is needed to be bold. Not losing your nerves and a life based on leisure & freedom could be your life being rich.
You are looking at things with an objective mind, accurate and neutral view of things is needed. That brings you have the advantage of dealing with things. You can gain the trust from others by combining intellect and consideration.
You may seem a little cynical. You’d better carry a smile, warm words and consideration for others. That will make you perfect.
Before thinking, your heart react. You are always offering a helping hand. The placid and elegant way of carrying yourself is what adds warmth to this world.
Growing a rational mind is recommended. You’d be better strong enough to stand and thinking logically enough, not being moved easily by feeling.