Service Guidance

CPA system is consisted of three testing. Personality Aptitude test
This is a program for children and teenagers. Helps the individual to come close in understanding to their innate self.
Every single person is born with strengths and flaws in order to reach balance in life. In particular, it is important to develop a child's latent potentials and early development. Vocational Aptitude Test
This is a program for adult. This system makes it possible to put the right achieve potentials and in the right place.
This will eventually lead to increasing the individual’s effectiveness at performing jobs and also increase the overall group effectiveness. Interrelationship test
This test needs two person in other to compare the three characteristics,
Through interrelationship test, You can know how relationships are going, what kind of relationships are building between you and others. If you could truly and deeply understand our system, You can deal with the relationships you face. This system is for counselors only. 10 points are automatically entered when you sign up, you can test your clients 10 times, after you can purchase on favorable terms when more points are needed. We strongly recommend that you complete our CPA curriculum. We have given certificate issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Korea from CPA counselor level 1. We wish to see the CPA Solution offering light to those in the darkness and offering guidance for those needing direction by CPA counselors. If you would like to know more about our system, we will send you the information.